Botanical Description: | - A perennial plant in its native tropical America, but is annual when cultivated outside tropical zones.
- Growing to a height of 3 feet or more, its glabrous stem is woody at the bottom and branched near the top.
- The leaves are ovate to lanceolate, entire and petioled.
- The drooping, white to yellow flowers grow alone or in pairs or threes between April and September.
- The ripe fruit, or pepper, is a many-seeded pod with a leathery outside in various shades of red or yellow.
Part of Plant Used: | |
Main Uses: | - An enzyme active herbal food supplement regarded as warming and stimulating.
- Beneficial for the symptoms of chills, digestive problems, cholesterol control, and debility.
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Contra-Indications: | - Allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.
- In cases of asthma this herb should be restricted, due to its bronchial striction with initial exposure episodes may be aggravated by single use.
- Avoid external use where there is broken skin and near to the eyes, due to its local irritant properties.
- Avoid with stomach ulcers/inflammation due to the increase in gastric acid production, which may cause mucosal exfoliation and haemorrhage. Note: This advice conflicts with traditional use and emphirical understanding of this herb, where it has been u8sed to stem internal bleeding and to protect mucous membranes.
- Avoid with chronic irritable bowel due to this herb?s irritant and intestinal contractile properties (capsaicin).
- Avoid when using Theophylline as the absorption rate is increased when administered before or with capsicum fruit.
- Avoid with Hexobarbital as this increases sleeping time and plasma concentration when used with extract of capsicum.
- Avoid with ACE inhibitors, which may predispose coughing when capsicum cream is applied.
- Caution is advised with the use of preparations of this herb during pregnancy, and low doses should be considered.
- If you are allergic to peppers (green, red, orange, yellow, chilli, peppercorns, etc.). You may also be allergic to capsicum.